Hello Everyone,
I posted the poem below on my Instagram account and other social media accounts in blocks with a bath bomb background. Some season in life, I feel like this poem: it’s by an unknown poet. But this is the poem in it’s entirety below:
Poem by Unknown Poet
She loved life & it loved her right back
celebrate her passion
She listened to her heart above all other voices
celebrate her wisdom
She pursued big dreams instead of small realities
celebrate her priorities
She saw every ending as a new beginning
celebrate her resiliency
She discovered real measurements had nothing to do with numbers or statistics
celebrate her self-esteem
She was kind, loving & patient...with herself
celebrate her tenderness
She woke up one day & threw away all her excuses
celebrate her accountability
She realized that she was missing a great deal by being sensible
celebrate her spirit
She turned her can't into cans & her dreams into plans
celebrate her goals
She ignored people who said it couldn't be done
celebrate her independence
She had a way of turning obstacles into opportunities
celebrate her magic
She went out on a limb had it break behind her & she discovered she could fly
celebrate her faith
She discovered that she was the one she'd been waiting for
celebrate her self-reliance
She added so much beauty to being human
celebrate her presence
She walked in when everyone else walked out
celebrate her friendship
She just had this way of brightening the day
celebrate her radiance
She made the whole world feel like home
celebrate her warmth
She decided to enjoy more & endure less
celebrate her choices
She decided to start living the life she'd imagined
celebrate her freedom
She colored her thoughts with only the brightest colors
celebrate her optimism
She was an artist & her life was her canvas
celebrate her brilliance
She ran ahead where there were no paths
celebrate her bravery
She crossed borders recklessly, refusing to recognize limits, saying bon jour & buon giorno as though she owned both France & Italy & the day itself
celebrate her joie de vivre
She held her head high & looked the world straight in the eye
celebrate her strength
She not only saw a light at the end of the tunnel she became that light for others
celebrate her compassion
She designed a life she loved
celebrate her joy
She took the leap & built her wings on the way down
celebrate her daring
She said bye-bye to unhealthy relationships
celebrate her happiness
She remained true to herself
celebrate her authenticity
She made the world a better place
celebrate her
- Unknown
Felicia B.